is a lightweight insulating product. It has low thermal mass which means that it does not retain heat, low thermal conductivity and is an extremely effective insulation material. Its high thermal shock resistance make it suitable for applications where traditional refractories cannot be used. So called Refractory Ceramic Fibre is made from high purity alumino-silicate materials. It is produced by melting these products in an electric arc furnace, a stream is poured, cooled to form the fibre strands from which the ceramic fibre products are produced.
The use of ceramic fibers in the composite applications is taking attraction/attention since the last decades. In particular, continuous ceramic fibers/filaments are generally employed in high-temperature applications instead of metals due to their high thermal tolerance and corrosion resistance. The existence of ceramic fibers considerably improves both physical and mechanical properties of CMCs and satisfies the unity of the composites through matrix cracking that leads to the increase of composite's tolerance to failure. From the point of view of industrial implementation, ceramic-fiber-reinforced composites are utilized in many different commercial products such as aircraft engine components (turbine combustors, compressors, and exhaust nozzles), automotive and gas turbine elements, aerospace missiles, heat exchangers, hot gas filters, rocket nozzles, gasket, and wrapping insulations.
There are plenty of studies available in the literature that focus on the performance of various ceramic fibers in CMCs. Depending on the requirements (mechanical, physical, or thermal), oxide, nonoxide, or other types of ceramic filaments find applications in many cases.